Professional status
I worked for the University of Almeria as a teacher in the field of probabilisitic modeling with deep neural networks, and for the University of Castilla-La Mancha as a researcher and as a teacher or Álgebra y matemática discreta.
I am a member of the Intelligent Systems and Data Mining group (SIMD) at the Albacete Research Institute for Informatics (I3A) in the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM).
Academic profile
(2019) PhD on Computer Science. Faculty of Computer Science Engineering at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain.
(2012) BCS adapted from the Degree on Computer Science. Faculty of Computer Science Engineering at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain.
(2011) Master on Computer Science with official verification of ANECA (Ref. MO2006-00197). Faculty of Computer Science Engineering at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain.
(2010) Degree on Computer Science. Faculty of Computer Science Engineering at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain.
Personal skills
Advanced level in R programming.
One of the developers of the exreport R package available in CRAN. I have also experience in data analysis and data visualization in R.
Advanced level in JAVA programming.
Until 2014 the software I developed was mostly written in JAVA, including the software I am using right now in my PhD (for learning Fuzzy Rule Based System models through Data Mining techniques).
Advanced level in Python programming.
I am developing a tool for data mining algorithms using the python libraries numpy, matplotlib, pandas and the scikit-learn toolbox.
I am also a collaborator in the project scikit-fuzzy. This project incorporates fuzzy logic tools to the scikit library.
Medium level in CUDA programming.
I participated twice in a spanish competition (as a member of a group of two people) called Parallel Programing Competition (Concurso de Programación Paralela). It consists on parallelize sequential code using different technologies. In fact, we used MPI and OpenMP together with CUDA. We achieved the second position in both competitions.
Experience on specific hardware devices and basic electronic.
I have adquired different devices for personal projects, like Raspberry Pi and Orange Pi to automatize some devices at home. I also programmed a Spartan 3E-500 FPGA using VHDL, and built a guitar amplifier following a specific course from Coursera.
Web technologies
I have used different technologies managing and developing web sites (including this one), as Wordpress, Bootstrap and JavaScript (including jQuery).
Spark Training Course
I attended to a training course in the University of A Coruña, focused on Machine Learning for Big Data. This course consisted on four talks (one of them by Paco Nathan) and one practice session using the Spark technology.
Languages: Spanish (mother tongue) and English.
I have an English B2 level certificated by the EOI.