Research activity
I am a PhD in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining. I worked for the University of Almeria as a teacher in the field of probabilisitic modeling with deep neural networks, and for the University of Castilla-La Mancha as a researcher and as a teacher or Álgebra y matemática discreta.
During my thesis I focused on Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Rule Based Systems applied on high dimensional problems. In order to build models from high dimensional data sets (which have a large number of variables) efficiency is a must. In that way, our aim is to design computationaly efficient learning algorithms that generate accurate and simple models (a balance of both properties are desired for this kind of models).
In the following I show the research projects that I am/was a member. Also, I show my publications and a link to view them online if it is possible.
(2020) InferPy: Probabilistic modeling with deep neural networks made easy.
Cózar, J., Cabañas, R., Salmerón, A. and Masegosa, A. R., Journal of Neurocomputing.
(2018) Building Efficient Fuzzy Regression Trees for Large Scale and High Dimensional Problems.
Cózar, J., Francesco, M., Gámez, J. and delaOssa, L. Journal of Big Data.
(2018) A Meta-Hierarchical Rule Decision System to Design Robust Fuzzy Classifiers Based on Data Complexity.
Cózar, J., Fernandez, A., Herrera, F. and Gámez, J. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems.
(2018) Differential association of GABA B receptors with their effector ion channels in Purkinje cells.
Luján, R., Aguado, C., Ciruela, F., Cózar, J., Kleindienst, D., de la Ossa, L., Bettler, B., Wickman, K., Watanabe, M., Shigemoto, R., and others. Brain Structure and Function (223), 1565-1587.
(2017) Learning Compact zero-order TSK Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems for High-Dimensional Problems Using an Apriori + Local Search Approach.
Cózar, J., delaOssa, L. and Gámez, J. A. Information Sciences (433-434), 1-16.
(2016) An Application of Dynamic Bayesian Networks to Condition Monitoring and Fault Prediction in a Sensored System: a Case Study.
Cózar, J., Puerta, J. M. and Gámez, J. A. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (10), 176-195.
(2014) Learning TSK-0 linguistic fuzzy rules by means of local search algorithms.
Cózar, J., delaOssa, L. and Gámez, J. A. Applied Soft Computing (30), 57-71.
(2020) InferPy: Probabilistic Modeling with Deep Neural Networks Made Easy
Cózar, J., Cabañas, R., Salmerón, A., Andrés, A. R., The 10th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM 2020).
(2018) Generación eficiente de reglas candidatas de calidad en problemas de alta dimensionalidad
Cózar, J., delaOssa, L. and Gámez, J. A. Actas de la XVIII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial.
(2017) Generation of first-order TSK rules based on the apriori+ search approach.
Cózar, J., delaOssa, L. and Gámez, J. A. Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2017 IEEE Congress, 1675-1682.
(2015) Comparing TSK-1 FRBS against SVR for electrical power prediction in buildings.
Cózar, J., Vergara, G., Gámez, J. A. and Soria-Olivas, E. International Joint Conference IFSA - EUSFLAT 2015, 880-887.
(2014) TSK-0 Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems for High-Dimensional Problems Using the Apriori Principle for Rule Generation.
Cózar, J., delaOssa, L. and Gámez, J. A. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (8536), 270-279.
(2014) Generación de reglas difusas tipo TSK-1 basada en el principio apriori derivando el sistema de reglas mediante búsqueda local.
Cózar, J., delaOssa, L. and Gámez, J. A. Actas del X Congreso Español sobre Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, 57-71.
(2013) Aprendizaje de reglas difusas TSK de orden 1 mediante búsqueda local.
Cózar, J., delaOssa, L. and Gámez, J. A. Actas del IX Congreso Español sobre Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, 802-811.
(2013) Using Apriori to Improve the Scalability of TSK-0 Rule Learning Algorithms
Cózar, J., delaOssa, L. and Gámez, J. A. Actas de la XV Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial, 99-108.
(2012) Un algoritmo GRASP para el aprendizaje de Sistemas Basados en Reglas Difusas Lingüísticas.
Cózar, J., delaOssa, L. and Gámez, J. A. Actas del VIII Congreso Español sobre Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, 611-618.
(2011) Learning Cooperative TSK-0 Fuzzy Rules Using Fast Local Search Algorithms.
Cózar, J., delaOssa, L. and Gámez, J. A. Actas de la XIV Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial, 353-362.
(2011) Learning heterogeneus cooperative linguistic fuzzy rules using local search: Enhancing the COR search space.
Cózar, J., delaOssa, L. and Gámez, J. A. 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 475-480.
Research projects
Title: INFER.JAVA: A probabilistic programming language to develop intelligent applications for big data (TIN2015-74368-JIN).
Project Manager: Andrés Masegosa Arredondo.
Supporting institution: Spanish Government (MICINN).
Period: From 15/11/2018 a 30/11/2019.
Title: Probabilistic Graphical Models for Scalable Data Analytics II (TIN2016-77902-C3-1-P).
Project Manager: José Miguel Puerta Callejón.
Supporting institution: Spanish Government (MINECO).
Period: From 30/12/2016 a 31/03/2019.
Title: Probabilistic Graphical Models for Scalable Data Analytics (TIN2013-46638-C3-3-P).
Supporting institution: Spanish Government (MECD).
Period: From 01/01/2014 to 01/01/2017.
Title: Computational Intelligence: Data Mining Applications (PEII-2014-049-P).
Supporting institution: Regional project (JCCM).
Period: From 27/09/2014 to 26/09/2016.
Title: Design of a Predictive Analysis Module/Prototype using Data from Shopping Centres (UCTR130305).
Project Manager: José Antonio Gámez Martín.
Supporting institution: Article 83 (I+D contract).
Period: From 01/10/2013 to 30/06/2014.
Title: Design of a Descriptive Statistic Module/Prototype and Data Visualization through Web Graphics in Real Time using Simulated Data (UCTR130306).
Title: Data Mining using Probabilistic Graphical Models: New Algorithms and Applications (TIN2010-20900-C04-03).
Period: From 01/01/2011 to 30/09/2014.
Title: Predictive Maintenance using Wireless Sensored Networks (TSI-020100-2011-140).
Period: From 01/01/2011 to 31/12/2012.